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The Top Down Invitation


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YOU: Hey, You keep popping into my mind.  I'm working on something exciting and can't help but think that

you might be perfect for it. Would it be okay if I send you a voice memo explaining a little bit more?








YOU: Hey Name,


I hope you're doing great/It's been forever since we've talked/Hope you're having an awesome day/etc. (be quick)


The reason I thought of you, is because you’re one of the most (pay them a sincere compliment) ______ and _____  people I’ve ever met & I just think the world of you. 


A few days/weeks ago my friend _______ introduced me to a unique Global Health & Wellness Company called Isagenix.


After doing my research, I realized that the company offers an incredible financial opportunity and the products are amazing too, (if you're already on the products then add) in fact I'm already ______ (down a few pounds, sleeping better, experiencing more energy, etc).


Even though my (job, business, time as a stay at home mom, etc) _______ (pays me well, keeps me busy, pays the bills, etc), I'm tired of the _____ and _____ and really believe that this is the vehicle that will allow me to ______ (enter your why/vision).


So, I'm putting together a core group of people who I believe are  _____, _____ and ______  (i.e. into health & fitness, entrepreneurial, team players, love to have fun, seeking more freedom, influential, passionate, motivated etc) and ______ (say their name again) naturally you are at the top of that list.


Now, I know you (love your job, are really passionate about your business, already have so many irons in the fire already, are super busy, etc.), but I’m gonna to run with this and think you'd absolutely crush it, too.


I have no idea whether or not this will be for you, or if the timing is right, but if it is, you'll be really happy I shared it with you. 


Does this sound like something you'd be open to learning more about?


THEM: Well sure, can you tell me more?   (If they say no, it's not for them, click here)


YOU: Of course, what I’d love to do is get you on a call with my friend/partner  ________ and me. You’ll love him/her! His/Her/Their story is amazing (share you partner's “30 second story”).


EXAMPLE: “Eden’s story is amazing. She was a financial controller for 10 years and even though she was making a 6-figure income, she was miserable, stressed out and felt like she wanted more. When she started using the nutrition system you’re going to learn about, she released 12 lbs. 25 inches and dropped 2 dress sizes…and she also made an extra $3,000! Well, she went to her boyfriend at the time and said ‘look dude, let’ do this together!’ Long story short, they both replaced their six-figure incomes, have changed thousands of lives and are just crushing it.” 


THEM: That sounds great! I’m available tomorrow morning or evening. 


YOU: Ok, awesome. Let me confirm with _______, which of those works best, he/she is super busy. 


YOU:  K, we’re all set for ___ (time).  Before we hop on the call, there are a couple of brief videos that provide some context for our conversation, if I sent them to you before we chat will you watch them for sure?  They’re less than 20 mins.


THEM:  Absolutely.


YOU: Great should I send them through FB or Email?


THEM: Facebook/Email


YOU:  K, will do.  What’s the best # to reach you on for our call?


THEM: __________


YOU:  Great, talk soon!  


THEM: Great! Can’t wait! 





Send Instructions either the day of the call or the day before the scheduled call with the following: 


“Hey Name, 


I told (enter Partner's name) all about you and he/she is excited to connect with you! Please make sure you watch the video before we chat, so we can be mindful of (enter Partner's name) time as well as yours. I'll call you a few minutes before (enter appointment time), looking forward to chatting with you then."


Include link to the videos you will have them watch: 









If they said it's not for them:


YOU:  No worries. I really appreciate you listening. Would you be open to doing me a favor and supporting me as a customer?


THEM:  Yeah, of course.


YOU: Thank you so much.  Curiously, what are some of your current health goals?




YOU:  One of the things I love most is that this system seriously works for everyone. I’ve seen so many incredible transformations. I know that one of the biggest things that contributed to my getting out of shape was ______, _________, ______ (enter in your personal challenges i.e.’no time to eat healthy, didn’t know where to start, too busy with the kids, working long hours, etc).  


What have been some of your biggest challenges with (enter their goal— losing weight, sleeping better, etc - whatever they said are their goals)?




YOU: I can totally appreciate that, you’re going to love this. Let’s do this, (since I'm just getting started), I’d love to get you on a call with my friend ________ and me. You’ll love him/her! He/She is ________ and _________ (see examples below). What are some times that work for you over the next day or two? 


Examples (feel free to mix and match): 


“she’s really been amazing since day 1 and there’s no one better to help you get all your questions answered.” 


“he’s super knowledgeable about how this all works and has already helped tons of people achieve their goals on this system.” 


THEM: That sounds great! I’m available tomorrow morning or evening. 


YOU: Ok, awesome. Let me confirm with _______, which of those works best, he/she is super busy. 


YOU:  K, we’re all set for ___ (time).  Before we hop on the call, there are a couple of brief videos that provide some context for our conversation, if I sent them to you a few hours before we chat will you watch them for sure?  They’re less than 10 mins.


THEM Absolutely.


YOU: Great should I send them through FB?


THEM: Sure


YOU:  K, will do.  What’s the best # to reach you on for our call?


THEM: __________


YOU:  Great, talk soon!  


THEM: Great! Can’t wait! 





Send Instructions either the day of the call or the day before the scheduled call with the following: 


“Hey Name, 


I told (enter Partner's name) all about you and he/she is excited to connect with you! Please make sure you watch the videos before we chat, so we can be mindful of (enter Partner's name) time as well as yours. I'll call you a few minutes before (enter appointment time), looking forward to chatting with you then."


Include link to the videos you will have them watch: 






How To Respond If They Say/Ask:


“How much is it?” 


YOU: It really depends, everything is customized and you’re just re-allocating grocery money, so it’ll fit within whatever you’re currently spending on food.


“What’s the name of the system?” 


YOU: It’s called Isagenix. (and then get right back where you left off in the template)! 


“How does it work?” 


YOU: It’s so simple, I’ll send you a few things to look at (and then get right back to the template)!  






Sample Voice Memo - oureztraining
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